Why don't pregnant women like them?
Tonight my wife, pregnant 7 months, pointed me to an article on her "pregnancy board" about the Quiznos sub comercials featuring the "Spongmonkeys". The article and the 34 replies were all women who couldn't stand the little buggers. However, the majority of husbands found the comercials hilarious and quite catchy. They'd even go around the house humming the tune and saying "They got a pepper bar!!". I fall squarly this category of husband. Luckily for me, my wife finds the commercials amusing too. She doesn't like the spongmonkeys though.
My guess is that they look like defective creatures and being pregnant women, that kind of visualization just turns them off. What do you think?
There's also a pretty good article about it on the slate. http://slate.msn.com/id/2095868/