I could have built rome in a day with a 'for' loop.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
I could have built rome in a day with a 'for' loop.
Probably could have done it in half a day with an stl::vector.
But, somebody may have to debug it later on and it would take them at least a week to read the the stl gunk.
So goes the argument.
Why would you use the STL in a game? I don't know. I'm just used to it so it doesn't bother me. Besides, where can you get a fully debugged, fast, and robust hash map of variable length arrays in a couple lines of readable code? Then again, if you need that in a game you're probably going way too far right? Wrong, some of the cooler stuff we do requires that kind of data management.
Anyways, no screenshots this week sorry.
I did some pretty good work this week. I finished the research screen. It's got a cool parallax background in the tree area now.
You'll have to stick around 'till later betas if you want to see it, but believe me, if you didn't like the GC1 research window, you'll love this one.
I also added the API's for the pie chart stuff. It should be easy for us to get pie charts all over the screen now.
I spent a lot of time fixing some of those niggly bugs that everyone hates. For instance, "Time to Build: 0 Weeks". What is this "0 Weeks" stuff?!?!?
We also got a new programmer this week. He's been doing some amazingly cool stuff with the ship battles.
The best thing I learned this week is that having editors choice awards makes you a better programmer.