Information icons and dxpacks.
I got two big things done this week. First, the information icon system. This
system will be used to notify the user of events that require their attention.
Eventually, we'll probably have some filtering options so that you don't get
bombarded with event info. That's all in the future now. Here's a screen of the
system working...

The icons drop from the top and fade in as they come down. You
can activate it by left clicking on it, or dismiss it by right clicking on it.
The other major thing I did this week is less noticeable, but
still pretty cool. Since we develop the UI using DesktopX, we decided to
integrate the DesktopX objects directly into GalCiv2. This has 2 advantages. The
first, each screen or window is a neat little DesktopX object with its own
graphics and layout information. The other advantage is that users who have
DesktopX installed can "skin" the UI or make modifications to it. Within reason
that is. But you could make a minimalistic UI, have some gaudy graphics, or even
move stuff around. Do whatever you want. Maybe even share the skins just like
Windowblinds skins. That's neat.
Here are some screens showing off the differences. In the first
screen, the UI is made up of 434 individual files that we had to manage. In the
second screen, we've converted the 434 individual files to 50 DesktopX objects
that can be loaded and edited individually.