The mis-adventures of a new Game Developer.
He didn't have a chance in Iowa
Published on January 20, 2004 By Mudflap In Politics

Microsoft conspires against Howard Dean.

How's that for a catchy headline? Google is going to eat this up

I played the Howard Dean For Iowa game for a good 15 minutes today. Only 15 hours until the election where it looked like Howard Dean was going to take Iowa by a landslide, Microsoft intervenes. Go figure. Poor guy didn't even have a chance

on Jan 20, 2004
on Jan 21, 2004
Change to Mozilla Firebird.
on Jan 21, 2004
I could but no one would care if Mozilla conspired against Howard Dean.
on Jan 21, 2004
Maybe it is in Microsoft's best self-interest to stop Howard Dean since he is a socialist that would most likely like to see large companies taken down or broken up. It is kind of ironic that Bill Gates is a liberal yet most of the Microsoft haters out there are liberals.