The mis-adventures of a new Game Developer.
Perils of the geographically challenged.
Published on October 7, 2003 By Mudflap In Home & Family

Ever wonder what a programmer does on the weekends? Here's our trip to the Porcupine Mountains (Porkies) in Michigan's UP.

By the way, the local food is the Pastie. It's pronounced "paasty" not "pasty" and the place we stayed at is called "Ont'noggin" not "Ontonogan". Get it right.

Steff and Joe

on Oct 08, 2003
Mmmm. Trees.
on Oct 09, 2003
Thank's for the picture. The wife and I are planning a trip up to The Burrow in the next week or two but we are not sure when the best time is for the color change. Looking at your picture gives me a decent idea of how much the colors have changed. I think the weekend of the 18th will be perfect!
on Oct 10, 2003
Yeah, that should be fine. These pictures were taken 09/30 - 10/02. We were just seeing some of the trees really get color.