The mis-adventures of a new Game Developer.
Daily 10/23/03
Published on October 23, 2003 By Mudflap In Software Development

The last couple of days have been very productive. I checked in the scenario editor and the improved map editor. I even had time to hook up the 3d camera to the map editor. People probably won't see it though we don't want to give away too much of the GalCiv2 technology. Or do we? Here are some screens from the map editor and the scenario editor.

Don't pay attention to the UI graphics. They need a lot of work and I'm not an artist

I've got to help Scott real quick with the Political Machine. Then I'm back on GalCiv2 until I get the graphics and feedback from the map and scenario editor.

I think the next small project will be to enhance the 3d camera so that the user can seamlessly switch between ortho and perspective views. I don't think it's too hard. Just some mucking with the math so that a zoom in perspective translates properly to a zoom on ortho. If I get this working, then I can hook it up into GalCiv2 and we can do the zooming to a spot on the screen instead of zooming to the center. As soon as I get it figured out, I'll post the code.

on Oct 23, 2003
Oh I think the map editor should be as cool as we can for making it easy for people to create maps.
on Oct 24, 2003
The map editor looks good. I wonder how planet edition works. I suppose the icons below the star are place holders. Anomalies and resources?
If you can provide a generate random anomalies/clean all anomalies and generate random resources/clean all resources buttons in addition to manual placement, it would be great.
The perspective looks fine. I know I'd probably like to be able to change camera view (perspective/top) when/if galciv2 comes out.
on Oct 24, 2003
The map editor looks good. I wonder how planet edition works. I suppose the icons below the star are place holders. Anomalies and resources?
If you can provide a generate random anomalies/clean all anomalies and generate random resources/clean all resources buttons in addition to manual placement, it would be great.
The perspective looks fine. I know I'd probably like to be able to change camera view (perspective/top) when/if galciv2 comes out.
on Oct 24, 2003

Right now, planet addition works like this:
1) You select a star
2) A planet data panel comes up in place of the current palette on the left side.
3) There's an add planet button and the planets are in a graphical display in the data window.

To edit a planet's quality you just edit the number under the planet. Right now the planet quality is generated randomly.

Anomolies are added randomly at game time. I don't think we plan on adding anomolies into the editor. Right now it's just stars, planets, resources, and ships.
on Oct 24, 2003
Thanks I am in.

The only thing that scares me is the Metaverse fanatics may ruin everything.

on Oct 24, 2003
Thanks for the answer, Mudflap. (Sorry for the double-post, I got an error when posting.) I suppose there is a remove planet button and delete star, too?
Anomalies would be nice, but it doesn't matter much, though designing a new type of anomaly to trigger an event when you go inside...
What about resources?
I'm really looking forward to this stuff. Keep on the great work!
on Oct 24, 2003
We're examining different options for custom games in the metaverse. I imagine someone will try to create a really easy game and post it.
on Oct 24, 2003
Resource are really easy to place. Much like stars, you just select the type of resource to place and click on the map.
on Oct 28, 2003
I for one can't wait, IMO Galciv is equal to MOO2 in fun and being addictive. The Editor will only improve an otherwide triple A Game. GJ guys

Ensemble Studios